Improve Your Practice’s Efficiency with Direct Endometrial Visualization
Provide a better standard of care, faster, by integrating the Endosee® Advance direct endometrial visualization system into your office. Endosee® Advance can improve workflows for your staff, resulting in shorter wait times for patients, and may also help your patients avoid OR visits when they’re not necessary.

Endosee® Advance is designed for convenient use in any exam room at any time

Average time of procedure using Endosee® Advance:
<3 minutes1,2

Average total time doctors were in the exam room per procedure:
<13 minutes2
Endosee® Advance

Know with confidence if the OR is needed so you can maximize workflow and office efficiency3,4

Nearly 60% of women who underwent diagnostic office hysteroscopy for AUB were able to avoid the need for intervention in the operative suite3,4
In 99% of initial use cases, Key Opinion Leaders said they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with Endosee® Advance (68 out of 69 cases)5

Explore Endosee® Advance

1. Data on file: Feedback from the first 106 Endosee procedures with 42 clinicians.
2. Goldstein E.Best practices: advantages of in-office hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding with Endosee. Ob Gyn News. Supplement. https://www.mdedge.com/obgyn/best-practices. Updated September 26, 2017. Accessed May 8, 2019.
3. Goldstein SR, Anderson TL. Endometrial Evaluation: Are you still relying on a blind biopsy? OBG Mgmt Supp. 2017;10:S1-S4.
4. Moawad N, Santamaria E, Johnson M, Shuster J. Cost effectiveness of office hysteroscopy for abnormal bleeding. JSLS. 2014;18:1-5.
5. Data on file: Feedback from experienced Endosee users on the first 69 Endosee Advance procedures.